Baitul Jannah Eid-Al-Fitr 2021 Prayer Registration


Assalamu’alaikum , Baitul Jannah will arrange five (5) Eid-Al-Fitr prayers on Eid day following the provincial safety guidelines based on online registration only.

1st Jamat @7:00 am | 2nd Jamat @8:00 am | 3rd Jamat @9:00 am | 4th Jamat @9:30 am | 5th Jamat @10:00 am

(Registered Musallis will be allowed to enter 5 min before the Iqamah time for each jamat)
Please No Walk-in Musallis.


There will be no arrangement of prayer for Kids & Women. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Guidelines for Eid-Al-Fitr Prayer Registration

Please DO NOT register multiple times in one jamat | Please DO NOT register multiple jamats
Same person’s registration for multiple times/jamats will be removed | Please give chance to other Musallis to attend the Jummah
Jazakallah for your understanding and cooperations.

*** Please Do Not Bring Children***

*** No Arrangements for Women***

*** No Parking Inside Masjid Premises***