Bismillah Rahman Rahim
Modern parenting has become an increasing challenge because of immigration to a new culture, digitalization of the environment and multiple things that pull a typical parent in various directions compared to 30 years ago.

It is the case that parents have become busier and less involved in their children’s lives and are more likely to outsource what essentially would be or should be a parenting responsibility. This includes things like childminding and babysitting, but also the increasing emphasis upon good grades versus good character. There also is a lack of good role models in the community for so many of our children and young adults. The situation is not helped by people emigrating from countries where extensive family networks used to protect the younger generation from being way laid. Now it is very much a matter of emphasis on economic well-being, inevitably resulting in parents having no time for themselves or their children and simply missing the whole concept of turbia versus talim ( practical lessons versus theoretical knowledge).

Inshallah this Saturday January 13th happy strong family (WWW.HAPPYSTRONGFAMILY.COM) which is a social and educational organization in the greater Toronto area will offer a workshop to parents based around case studies which are typical to the North American landscape. It is an interactive Workshop which will provide some Clues and answers to what are complex and challenging scenarios for many parents in the modern world specifically for Muslims but generally for all. We hope you can participate and enlighten all with experience and knowledge.

The presenter is Zaihan Rashid, who has been involved in the happy strong family from its inception and who has with his other colleagues offered multiple workshops, seminar webinars and podcasts related to family matters.


BJIC Monthly halaqa will be on Saturday, Jan. 13, 2024 after Maghrib salah InShaAllah.


The BJIC Islamic Seerah Fair will be held on August 19th, 2023 at our Mosque at 5mp, located at 2740 Kingston Rd, Scarborough, ON M1M 1M7. You’re cordially invited to join the fair.

Jazak Allahu Khairan.